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The 5 key lessons you need to know if you Want to run a successful small business

As we near the end of 2023, it's time to cast a reflective gaze on the whirlwind of experiences, lessons, and victories that made this year truly remarkable. For me it's been a journey marked by authenticity, community, and the undeniable power of showing up.

But this isn't about me…

It is about YOU.

So I am choosing my last blog of the year to break down the pivotal lessons that unfolded throughout the year, each leaving a mark on the path to visibility and success for my business and I think everyone can benefit from them. 

Here they are…

5 Key Lessons You Need To Know If You Want to Run a Successful Small Business

Authentic Consistency is Key

As a female founder trying to get noticed, it's not just about showing up. It's about showing up authentically and consistently with a plan that has solid commercial foundations and is based on overall visibility. The magic lies in the genuine connection you build with your audience. Dive into the insights gained on how authenticity became the secret sauce for unparalleled growth. Look back at where you saw the best results and keep doing more of the same.

You don't need to keep having new content - it is about doing more of the same, just packaged slightly differently

Community is Everything

This year reinforced a fundamental truth: community is the bedrock of success. I discovered for myself the unparalleled strength that comes from supporting and being supported by a tribe of like-minded individuals. By having genuine cheerleaders, everything across your business gains momentum and starts to shift. Until this year I had a following about 1k on Insta but realised it wasn't a community. The last 500 I have gained this year are my people who genuinely have an interest in what I offer so conversations begin and eventually that tends to lead to sales. (POS I also lost a lot of followers too- but I am fine about that as they weren’t my people) This continues to grow and change as I create offers and content around their needs. 

IRL Impact: Beyond the Screen

In a digital age, the value of in-person connections cannot be overstated. Uncover stories of how stepping out from behind the screen led to unexpected collaborations, meaningful relationships, and a real-world impact that elevated businesses to new heights. This year alone I have attended in the region of 40+ in-person events and I have learnt from other experts, had amazing conversations and now can focus on the best events for me. If you haven't been to an in-person event in a while, it is important to try a few, keep open minded and just show up. Some might be a waste of time but others will be amazing. 

Do What You Love

Passion is a formidable force that propels us forward. Finding balance as a female founder is no mean feat in my opinion. But I have started to find a better balance for myself professionally and personally by getting rid of the work that doesn't light me up. I gave up decent-sized retainer clients but have never felt more sure that it was the right thing to do. It is a case of aligning your businesses with your passions. Learn how doing what you love isn't just a luxury, but a strategy for sustained success. I whole-heartedly believe this. It has been a niggle but until I took the plunge and started working with clients on their visibility strategy, I didn’t feel I could turn away money I was having coming in regularly. 

The Power of Asking

Sometimes, a simple ask can open doors to unimaginable opportunities. For those who have followed me for a while, you’ll know that I believe if you think you can help then ask that person. The worst thing that could happen is they say no, but as they say “nothing ventured, nothing gained”. It is important that you spend time building those relationships and then when you feel right, ask or if people ask for experts in a certain field put yourself forward

As we leave 2023 behind, take a moment to celebrate your wins (it's soo important - write them down - share them with a business bestie or just a friend), acknowledge the challenges you overcome, and set the stage for the goals that await in 2024.

Come January, you will hear all the goals talk. Don't get me wrong, I work most days on strategies that include goals, but after being inspired by a few amazing women, like Mel Robbins, Karen in her last with Passion and Purpose Club of the year this week and Kerri, who I had the pleasure of doing a coaching call with, I am giving something a little different a try and I thought you might like to give it a try. 

Inspired by these reflections, I’ve decided that January's monthly Free Downloadable PDF is going to be about goal setting but with a little twist. It will be out on the 1st Friday of January – a practical tool designed to help you review and set actionable goals. Goals require actions and I want to help you build momentum and kick start 2024. 

Have the best Christmas and I'll see you on the other side. Thank you to those who have supported me in whatever way and I look forward to supporting you in 2024. 


Ready to embark on your journey of visibility and success in 2024? Stay tuned for the Your AJency Style Guide launch, because in my world, action is the name of the game. Your story, your visibility – let's make it extraordinary together.

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