How Collaborations Can Boost Your Business Growth

When it comes to social media, staying on top of content creation, algorithm changes and engaging with your audience can be a challenge for any small business owner. Despite working with female-owned businesses across the globe to help them get visible and develop a practical and actionable marketing strategy, I realised that when it came to my own business, there were definitely things that I was preaching but not practicing as effectively as I should!

Anna Jones collaborating with another female business owner on their marketing strategy

Enter the fabulous team at Reel Rockstars, who conducted an Instagram audit for Your AJency. The biggest revelation to come out of my audit? Whilst I’m constantly reminding clients to repurpose valuable content and spotlight their blogs, my approach towards my own blog left a lot to be desired. Having an outside pair of eyes on my business gave me fresh insight into where I can improve my effectiveness.

The audit on my Instagram showed that occasional posts about a new Your AJency blog weren’t enough and weren’t doing justice to the value of the free content that I consistently deliver to my audience. Reel Rockstars reminded me of the treasure trove within my blog content just waiting to be shared. My mistake? I treated a blog announcement as a mere formality, something just to be sent out each week rather than showing my audience the pain points I could solve for them with my content.

So following the audit, I delved into my blog insights to see which content was probing the most popular. And guess what? A fascinating trend emerged.

Four out of five top-performing blog posts from the past year belonged to my ‘Moments to Motivate’ series. Moments to Motivate was one of the key parts of the Your AJency blog when we launched in 2022 but unfortunately lost momentum towards the end of last year. It’s a magical series consisting of interviews with inspiring female founders, each sharing powerful messages and stories that resonated with my audience.

As a passionate advocate for female founders, I took so much joy in curating and conducting these interviews. The success of this series proves to me once more that what’s valued most amongst my community is authentic stories, shared experiences and expert advice from others in the entrepreneurial community.

So here's the exciting part:

'Moments to Motivate' is coming back this year. Bigger and Better.

But this time, I’m inviting you to influence and suggest inspiring individuals you'd love to hear from. Whether it's pitching yourself or nominating someone exceptional, let's co-create a series that resonates deeply. Get in touch with who you’d love to see on the ‘Moments to Motivate’ blog!

One of the things we heard time and time again in our ‘Moments to Motivate’ series was that when it comes to visibility, collaboration is key.

The joy of the Your AJency blog is that it's not just about showcasing our work; it's about sharing our platform with others, shining a spotlight on inspirational female entrepreneurs and bringing them to the attention of our amazing Your AJency community. Find out more about why a good collaboration can be transformative for your business.

So, as we come to the end of January, I’ll leave you with an actionable challenge to plan how you’ll make the most of collaboration this year.

Think of five individuals you'd love to collaborate with.

  • Consider how your strengths could intertwine to create something remarkable.

  • Whether through an email, a voice note, or a simple phone call, reach out and suggest a collaboration. You might just discover the visibility boost you need to triumph by year-end.

When it comes to running a small business, collaboration isn't just a side act; it's an opportunity to elevate your business and work with other incredible female entrepreneurs.

Do you want to collaborate this year and need help working out where it can fit into your business strategy? Are you unsure of who you should be pitching to for collaborations? Do you want to work with influencers and be confident you’ll see a good ROI? At Your AJency, we have been working with female business owners just like you who want to grow their business’ online presence. Book a free discovery call today and make 2024 your year for business growth.


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