Are you overwhelmed with what to do first when it comes to your marketing? Got to a certain point and not sure what to do next? Have some ideas but no idea where to start?

In this hour you can ask me anything, but the aim is to give you direction and guidance for your most important goals. This isn’t just theory. You will leave with actions and connections so that you know how you will reach your goal.

I offer these as a one-off or they can be scheduled regularly for those that are looking for more accountability.

After the call you will receive a recording of the call, as well as key actions and accountabilities with a realistic timeline for delivery.


Do you feel you are winging it when it comes to your marketing? Not reaching the right people or getting the traction you hoped? Frustrated and overwhelmed?

These are all things our clients have come to us with before and that we can help you with.

In this session we will delve deep into your goals and targets to ensure that not only is your marketing on brand and effective, but that it is converting your newly generated leads into sales and clients. You will leave with a plan that you know is achievable for the next 3 months, key actions, influencers and new connections we believe will support the growth of your brand.

This will save you heaps of time and wasted effort so you can focus on other ways to level up your businesses.

SIGNATURE Mentoring Programme

Minimum of 3 months of marketing guidance and growth
If you aren’t sure where to start, I can work with you over a minimum of 3 months to build a marketing strategy, create an achievable plan and support you to implement it.

This includes:

- Email access

- Bi-weekly calls

- Access to my templates

- Strategy and plan that is reviewed throughout

This also suits those looking for accountability and creativity to keep their efforts up! It includes all the same things as above.

How mentoring has been game changing for Alison at My Household Managed

Through Anna’s understanding of my vision, my branding and my target market, working with her has allowed me to integrate intent into my marketing strategy. She has coached me on ways to highlight my USP and create strategic partnerships with others in similar industries. Anna has been great at keeping me on track, whilst picking new and thoughtful ideas without overwhelming me. I look forward to my weekly calls with Anna and I know I can rely on her to be consistent and for high quality recommendations. Anna has been one of the best investments I have made in my business and I recommend her to everyone”