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20 visibility and Social Media Prompts to Keep Your Small Business active This Summer

The school holidays are fast approaching and if you are like the majority of the female business owners who I work with, you want to have some time off this summer! Whether you’re working or taking a holiday this summer, you’ll likely have even more than normal to juggle, with the kids off school and trying to keep all the plates of your personal and professional life spinning. That’s why we’ve come up with a list of our top 20 prompts for getting visible and social media content that you can use to keep you small business visible over the summer months. By working on your marketing strategy now, there’s still enough time to plan your content out so that you can have a well-earned rest this summer. 

Read on to find out how you can get the most out of your summer marketing strategy and how ChatGPT can help you generate even more social media prompts.

Why do I need to post on social media if I’m taking time off?

Having a well-deserved break is absolutely vital for any kind of business success, but unfortunately the social media algorithm doesn’t like it when you’re unpredictable and don’t post consistently. That’s why it’s important that you think about your summer content plan now, and maybe even batch create your social media content, so that you can still show up online whilst you’re sat by the pool with your family. Don’t know how to batch create social media content? Have a read of our blog from the archives.

Consistency really is key when it comes to posting on social media. That doesn’t mean you have to post every day though - whatever is right for you is the key, and ensuring that your content is adding value by engaging, entertaining or educating your audience. People can’t buy what they can’t see so remember that by planning ahead and using our small business social media prompts, you’ll be setting yourself up for success long beyond the summer months.

I’ve used your visibility and social media prompts, what else can I post on Instagram?

The great thing about our prompts is that lots of them can be recycled and used as a monthly or bi-monthly prompt. On average, people need to see something 7 times before they take action so don’t be afraid to repurpose your content and keep reminding your audience of the services you offer/products you sell. The social media prompts will hopefully just be the starting point for your ideas so that you can be more effective with the time you can spend on your marketing strategy for your small business.

You can definitely take advantage of using ChatGPT to help you think of prompts for your business too. Just make sure that you are putting in useful information so that it can generate social media prompts that will be relevant to your business and your audience. If you’re really unsure, take a look at our example below to see how you can use ChatGPT to generate social media content ideas for your small business.

Review Your Content Pillars to Get the Most Out of Your Social Media Content

As we approach the midpoint of the year, it is a great time to review your content pillars. Having strong content pillars will help you organise your social media content into themes to ensure you are covering all you need to - the key messages, helping people get to know you better and position yourself as the expert you are. Not sure about where to start with content pillars? Download our content pillars guide to help you work out what topics you should be creating content for that your social media audience will really value.

I am desperately overdue in refining my own content pillars and having gone through this process with a couple of clients, I know I need to do it too! So this is me saying it out loud - I will be reviewing my own content pillars this summer so that my blog, social media and newsletter content will then be laser focused for the remainder of the year! Businesses naturally change over time and Your AJency has really evolved since January in terms of what I offer. There’s new packages like the Eyes on You, and Power Hour sessions, as well as the Visibility Challenge which has now had 3 cohorts of students! I’m also incredible excited that there is going a BIG brand new launch from Your AJency coming later this year! Keep your eyes peeled!

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Ready to download your small business visibility and social media prompts?

Some of these small business prompts are things that we covered in the Your AJency Visibility Challenge, but they are just a starting point. When you sign up to the visibility challenge, you can expect so much more to help you make sure your small business is seen by the right audience! Here’s what some of most recent challengers managed in just 30 days thanks to Your AJency visibility challenge:

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On top of learning how to consistently show up on social media, our most recent cohort had the pleasure of learning about topics like PR, SEO and shooting video for your social media content from industry experts.

Sound good? The doors are closed for now on the Your AJency visibility challenge but it will be coming back later in the year, in September. Join the challenge waitlist now and be the first to find out about an exclusive early bird deal that we’ll be running in July! You’ll learn how to transform your social media marketing strategy, get your business visible and turn followers into clients!

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